Tag Archives: fear of vomiting



Why does every blog post need to meaningful and insightful? Can’t I just write anything I want. It’s my blog, I could post nothing but jumbled up letters and gobbledegook if I wanted to. But I’m not going to. A few people sighed with relief there. I just know it.


Well today, I was another ish day. Started out badly, but I’m okay now. I woke with a terrible headache. I cancelled two of my lessons, the third the teacher contacted me to reschedule for tomorrow because she couldn’t come today anyway. I haven’t eaten much, but I’m terribly hungry. I can’t eat for fear of vomiting. And the fact that I don’t want to eat anything in particular, it’s much easier when I get a feeling for something specific. I’m just so sick of feeling this way. I want to be better. And stay better. Why do I have to keep getting sick?