Tag Archives: loss



What actually defines a nightmare?


[nahyt-maire] noun

– a terrifying dream in which the dreamer experiences feelings of helplessness, extreme anxiety, sorrow, etc.
Many people think that nightmares are generally something scary like ghosts, zombies, being chased by dinosaurs, stuff like that. When in fact it could be something very simple. And the simple ones, the ones that could actually really happen scare me the most. You don’t always realise how terrifying they are until you wake up in tears. The ones that stay with you for days or even weeks afterwards. The ones that scare you so badly, you’re sick to the pit of your stomach. That you’ll occasionally forget but then you’ll randomly remember and almost break down on the spot. You’ll get over ghosts, zombies or dinosaurs because you know that in reality those will never happen, but something as real as losing a child at four months pregnant will haunt you. Even when you tell yourself over and over it was only a dream, it didn’t actually happen. That’s not the scary part, the scary part is that it could happen in the future.